How to Work Out from Home + Love it

The bad news: you’re stuck at home and can’t make it to your favorite studio. The good news is that everything will be okay with a simple shift in perspective. Your at-home workout can be just as effective as any training you do within a studio or gym. You can still apply Joseph Pilates’ principles to your workouts in your living room, dining room, kitchen or bathroom (we won’t judge).

The key is to set yourself up for success. Here are a few tips to keep you happy and healthy as you commit to stay fit from home and navigate through your new workout routine.

  1. Curate Your Space Up

    You can pick any space in your house to be your own for 1 hour. Even if it’s the corner of the kids’ playroom. Make sure you have enough space to lay out your mat or towel to create a designated space for your body to move safely. That’s it. You’re already halfway there. Feeling extra? Buy a cute mat to really get you motivated. 

Have a backyard? Hi. That’s your gym now. 

2. Create Consistency

Consistency is essential for creating a healthy habit inside or outside of the gym or studio. LSQP offers our livestream schedule a week in advance to help you all set aside designated time for you to dedicate to YOU. Checking out our schedule ahead of time lets you build out your routine and plan accordingly for the week. This way you have ample time to incorporate all the cardio, yoga, barre and Pilates you need to reach your fitness goals. 

3. Get Your Squad Involved 

Remember all those fantasy workout dates you used to set up with your friends who just almost made it to your 6pm Pilates Mat class? The beauty of our virtual studio is that this is no longer a problem! Our LIVE videos remain available to you even after the streaming. This means you can both plan to workout at the same time from your homes. Make it a party and get ALL of your friends involved.

Have some kids with extra energy to burn off? Get them started young, we are here for all the baby LSQPeeps! Have a partner who says they do not need Pilates (but their terrible posture and bad back way otherwise?) Now they have no choice! Make them work out with you and turn them from quaranbae to quaranTing. 

Getting others involved makes this more fun and helps keep you accountable. 

4. Take It To The Next Level 

While most of our workouts don't require props, you can certainly purchase props to elevate your workout and help add to your home gym vibe! Here are some props that will help:

Of course, there are various household items you can use in place of these:

  • Sub a towel for a mat 

  • Use a sports ball instead of a blue stability ball 

  • Books are now yoga blocks! 

  • Weights can be substituted for a water bottle or your baby 

Use this new set-up as a chance to get creative and really appreciate how little you really need to make a small corner of your house or apartment the place you will grow internally and externally. The best part is that everything you learn about yourself now, you will get to carry with you into the next phase.

Challenge yourself to keep moving and remember that breath, center, alignment, control, fluidity and concentration will always be there for you no matter where you are. 

Bonus Alert: LSQP Members save 12% on orders that exceed $30 at Just use promo code logansquare at checkout.

Learn more about the LSQP Virtual Studio here.